
Since 2018, The AMNG Forum (AMNG) has provided an online membership group for new comer solopreneurs, publishers, freelancers, and contractors from across the map interested in sharing innovative ideas. Our weekly updates offer a unique and vibrant pathway for our members to partner, network, and learn from one another. We understand that starting and growing a business can be challenging, which is why we created Monumental Mondays. This is a series of virtual and in-person workshops and skills training sessions designed to supply our participants with the materials and tools they need to overcome obstacles and achieve success. Our aim is to provide a supportive environment where you can learn from other sole proprietors while building lasting connections with those of similar interests. 

At AMNG, we are dedicated to growing together with our subscribers. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to take your service business to the next level, Monumental Mondays has something for everyone. We believe that by providing our members with the resources and support they need, we can add value to their marketing strategy and help them achieve their goals. Join us today and become a part of a thriving forum of solopreneurs who are committed to success. Together we can learn, grow and thrive in our respective fields.

Call to Action: If you’re looking for a supportive community of freelancers who are committed to success, then join AMNG and participate in Monumental Mondays. Take advantage of this opportunity to learn from industry leaders, build lasting connections, and achieve your goals. Don’t hesitate, join us today!